Despre Mistress_Naughty Last seen 2 hours ago
I have a gorgeous figure, beautiful eyes, a good mood, I want to share with you))) .. and of course you can talk to me about everything ........ Also, I'm nature and real, without silicon and pathos, but I have perfect flavour.
I can fulfill your most vulgar desire =)
I am an angel and a demon. I can be your tough mistress! Just as intelligent and fragile girl. Just unpredictable. Punch my ass in your face? use handcuffs and make your body mine tonight? I know you dream about it .... this is just the beginning because we have a whole night ahead of us, how about domination?
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- Îți place Mistress_Naughty, dar nu ai timp acum?
- Ai încercat să o contactezi, dar nu este disponibilă acum?
- Vrei să petreci mai mult timp cu ea mai târziu?
Alege cel mai bun moment pentru tine și CERE O ÎNTÂLNIRE PE SKYPE
Poți SOLICITA O ÎNTÂLNIRE cu Mistress_Naughty atunci când îți este convenabil. Totul este în fusul tău orar, în orele tale locale. Ea va primi solicitarea ta și o va accepta dacă programul ei este liber. Vei primi o confirmare prin email și te poți pregăti pentru experiența ta incitantă.
Aceasta NU este o întâlnire live față în față. Este online și va avea loc pe Skype.
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DA, Conectează-măSAU
ÎNCĂ NU, Înregistrează-te gratuitTrebuie să ADĂUGI FONDURI în contul tău pentru a putea suna Mistress_Naughty sau orice alt model. Acesta este un sistem securizat care îți permite să plătești pentru show-uri private pe Skype cu plată per minut.
Alte modele Skype
Vezi mai multe modele din tagurile Mistress_Naughty: ass / roleplay / fetish / femdom / domination / bdsm / sissy / mistress / humiliation / orgasm / blackmail
Vezi mai multe modele prezente în aceeași categorie ca Mistress_Naughty
1 year ago
this is a recording. not a real model. when you ask her to wave be prepared to have the call ended and blamed on something like connection issues. AVOID
Mistress_Naughty replied: The scammer created a second account, had money for 3 minutes of calls, when the money ran out he asked for free calls, but did not call me back. screenshot sent to online support
1 year ago
Accepted a prepayment, didnt call, went offline. She's a cheater, avoid
Mistress_Naughty replied: the man asked for an immediate show, but this man has the status of a scammer, I wrote to him that I can do a show in a few minutes if I am sure that the money is legal. screenshots submitted to online support
2 years ago
You have been warned. She plays games. If she says she will be available in 15 minutes, it will be an hour. Call her and she pretends her microphone is broken .
3 years ago
She is gorgeous and charismatic. Wow.
3 years ago
Never went topless and wouldn’t delete a pic unless I left a review or a tip. Is now trying to blackmail me. Stay away!!
4 years ago
She was the worst experience on skyprivate. She was at 1$/min and when I called, she was at 2,9$/min. And she was just talking, she didn’t listened to my wishes. Total waste of time and money. Run far away from her!
4 years ago
4 years ago
Dances exquisitely, but minimal interaction. No English.