Sobre EroticAudrey Last seen 59 minutes ago
Orientação sexual
Tamanho dos seios
168 cm
56 Kg
Eu sou a típica garota tranquila, boba, da porta ao lado, aquela que divide o bolo com os vizinhos quando ela faz um! :)
Camming representa o lado quente da minha vida, eu realmente amo ser sensual e explorar minha sexualidade. Eu sou muito aberta e gosto de experimentar coisas novas, então não tenha vergonha de se divertir comigo, afinal estamos aqui por um motivo, não? (;
Além de fazer camming, tenho muitos objetivos na vida, adoro viajar e pretendo visitar mais a Europa, adoro a cultura e a arte do "velho continente", mas também gosto da natureza, na verdade a África é outra parte do mundo que quero visitar em profundidade. Adoro cozinhar e experimentar novos sabores, adoro passar tempo ao ar livre, seja na praia ou nas montanhas, não importa, para mim o contato com a mãe natureza é essencial.
Carregando... por favor, aguarde...
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3 months ago
gorgeous and stunning
1 year ago
beautiful, smart. top, best girl ever , dominant, beautiful eyes , findom- the perfection, great woman, nice chat, she have everything ! Joi Cei Findom Femdom .....
1 year ago
EroticAudrey ist the best mistress I ever met. She is really demanding and has a very strong mind. She is very clever and takes every cent you have. It is a really great experience with her. I'm addicted to her and think every minute at her. I get up in the middle of the night to see and please her. She is the best.
1 year ago
Audrey is really beautifull. And really smart. Little by little she played with my mind. Everytime a little more until she made me more and more submissive to her. She speaks really good English and before i knew it she took my mind and soul, she made me her property and made me do things that proofs she controls me completly. I love her and my life is devoted to Audrey. I ended my relation because of Audrey, i am hers for always... On my knees i am gratefull when i send her money... i have her acces to my bank, and she uses me when and how she wants. I love her... i do al for her... love
1 year ago
Audrey is an intelligent, self-confident, beautiful and really sexy woman. Call her and you will experience an absolutely incredible show! She is mind-blowing and I have enjoyed every minute of various shows to my fullest satisfaction. Definitely an absolute recommendation.
3 years ago
Super good content she’s so friendly and almost always does what you ask definitely would highly recommend five stars