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villavo, Colombia

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156 cm


58 Kg





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1 year ago

Truly a rare find. I spend far too much time, catering to my vices, but I figured fuck it I'm old, and divorced, My kids are grown, and I've gone about as far as i want in my career. So Lucifer, and our vices we pursue.. . This young lady is extremely charming, very quick too answer all my stupid questions, and then followed through above and beyond what we had discussed, she is beyond gorgeous by the way, just in case The person reading this is blind, and is having the read to them;). There's lots of girls that are pretty, and there's lots of girls that do what they say they're going to do, and there's lots of girls that are charming, and some that are funny, and some that have a great sexy and sly smile. But I challenge you this whoever it is reading. How many times in your life, have you encounter all the above? How many times in your life would you encountered all the above, in one experience? With a complete stranger the first time meeting? I should probably go buy a lottery ticket. She shared her heaven, openly and freely, and expressed her delightful and seducting sexual creature, to this devil of an old man. Before it was over I felt like I was damn near having a heart attack. And I'm glad that I did not pass in front of her, but I can tell you what honesty in my heart, and serenity. If it was my turn to go this evening, to meet those of my line that have crossed that path before me, I would have met them happily, and much more fortunate than I was just a few hours ago. At the end of our days if we're lucky, have a good genetics, Make good choices with our health our money our family our food and exercise, somehow avoid the trials of life and the idiots around us, a reward when we when the race of life, if we somehow manage to overcome all obstacles if we somehow manage to cross the finish line as a winner, The championship purse which we receive, The first place trophy so to speak, our reward for all of our good deeds and good choices, to die alone in an old folks home. That's your reward, if you have enough money, come from a good family, and some how have avoided danger and accidents illness and viruses, people driving while texting, and insane people armed to the teeth randomly attacking strangers, You get the reward of dying alone in a retirement home, but wait it gets so much better. Before you die God knows how God knows when You have to just be there for God knows how long, maybe some days you'll get ice cream or something, and hopefully whoever helps you with your bath like once a week probably, Is reasonably decent person, hopefully even a female, and as your mind continues to fade away much faster than your body, and your thoughts and memories become fewer, but those fewer thoughts and memories comb with your feelings and emotions, can you increasingly live and work confusing and more fearful life, until The darkness takes you to the next existence. Sorry if I kind of bummed everybody out with my review here that was not the intention. And I'm from America obviously, I'm guessing or I'm hoping I'm praying that people like these beautiful Colombian girls, and other people all over the world, Don't have the same reward for winning life as we do. Don't get me wrong now I love America and I'm proud to be here and we've done some okay things, nobody ls perfect, but as a country we really haven't figured out how to be a family even with our own family, and we are despicable when it comes to taking care of our elderly. So this is me, encouraging you, to get out and do things that make you uncomfortable, most likely you're not going to like anything that you haven't done before the first few times, and you won't be good at it either most likely, but you might find you try something a few times or maybe Even a dozen, You might find something that you fall in love with something that adds value to your life in a way that money cannot. Become rich in experiences, as many as possible, do silly things do scary things do bad things and do good things, In above all else, Don't be afraid to be yourself as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, and don't be afraid to do the things that scare you, and the hard things that challenge you, because at the end of your days and at the end of your years, The things that scare you and the things that challenge you, if you have the the courage and the fortitude to meet them, and overcome them the best you can or at least put up a good fight, that is the most rewarding sense of accomplishment that you will have to have. In there a few things in life that feels good as a feeling of accomplishment. Another wonderful feeling that can be few and far between at times. Is that wonderful feeling that this beautiful girl gave me this evening or maybe this morning, definitely way past my good times I have to get up for work in 3 hours, for some reason I'm 43 and I still do construction. But my philosophy is live hard and die easy. I'm not going to die in an old folks home, and I can't take this body with me when I go, and I can't take any of my money with me either. So I'm going to run it long and hard and hot. I'm going to treat my body like a bullet. Because guess what it's only got one use and it only works one time. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Feel free to fall in love for 15 minutes or an hour, just don't fall all the way in love, it'll burn you every time. I wish you the best of a Friday You deserve it!!

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